
7 favourite responses to this Sunday Times column about the joy of commuting

It’s not just the Daily Mail that really wants you to get back to the workplace.

The Sunday Times also wants you back in the habit of travelling to work and we know this because they said this. Well, specifically, a chap called Ian Gately.

Here’s a little bit of what he had to say. The free bit.

‘It’s been nearly six months since we were first asked to work from home, and one of the early silver linings of lockdown was — I think we can all agree — not having to spend a large proportion of every morning and evening with our nose pressed into a stranger’s armpit on a packed train or bus.

‘But, with a half a year to reflect, did we wish our commutes away too readily? If you’re not back at your desk, isn’t a small piece of you missing that daily ride to and from the office? For many of us, the commute is part of who we are — and it serves a useful purpose.’

And these are the only 7 responses you need.








To conclude …


Richard Littlejohn told everyone to get back to the workplace and the entire internet spoke as one

Source @thesundaytimes