
This drive through banned its staff from wearing coats in the cold and got just the responses they deserved

In today’s tale from ‘antiwork’, the corner of Reddit which is full of employers you’re really very glad you don’t work for, comes this tale of a particularly caring and compassionate drive through business.

‘Owner prohibits drive through employees from wearing jackets during cold winter months,’ said Redditor Existingnoise55 who shared it.

And it’s quite the read.

Extraordinary scenes. And it got just the responses it deserved.

‘How hard is it to treat a worker like an actual human being?’

‘But why won’t anyone think of the profits?

‘PLEASE. please. The profits.’

“You are now officially required to lie to customers about how we treat you as employees.”

‘This was the part I really don’t think they have thought out. When you make lying part of the job, all trust is lost, see police.’

‘Oh, those employees at the drive thru look too cold with the window open. why aren’t they using common sense and wearing a coat? let us go inside to get our coffee or better yet let’s go home and make coffee./s

‘If the company has a coat with the company logo on it. they should feel free to issue to each employee FREE OF CHARGE. problem solved.’

‘Maybe these greedy fucks should buy nice looking jackets for their employees. Or realize none of their customers give a shit about their uniforms that only exist to distinguish the working slave class from the money spenders.’

“Don’t sit, it makes you look lazy.”


Jacinda Ardern’s takedown of this reporter’s sexist question was simply magnificent

Source Reddit u/Existingnoise55