
9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks of the week

Everyone loves a good comeback – we might have said this before – and here are nine of the best that went viral over the last seven days.

1. ‘There’s dozens of us’


2. ‘American-Mexican immigrant eviscerates guy who was trying to Own The Libs’


3. ‘Rules are rules’


4. ‘Response to an influencer’


5. ‘I only share with my friends, not random stranger kids’


6. ‘Is it a good place to stay?’


7. ‘The Death of Superman (1992)’


8. ‘Appliance repair shop responds to a bad review’


9. ‘DeMs ArE NaZiS!!!1!’



17 funniest things people are saying about Liz Truss right now

Source Reddit r/MurderedByWordss Image Pexels