
The pencilled-in addition to this school accident form is comedy gold

From your schooldays, you may remember what is sometimes known as ‘Bumped-head letters’ – although if you took home enough of them, maybe you don’t remember much.

They let a child’s family or carers know if the child has had an accident, and whether there’s a need to look out for any developments that might need further medical attention.

It’s not really the sort of thing you’d expect to see on Reddit’s r/Funny forum, but u/poopsmitherson has shared a photo of her daughter’s bumped-head note. Check out the pencilled-in update.

Let’s take a closer look.

We’d love to see how that affected the school’s risk-assessment policy.

Reddit users enjoyed the post, and some had their own accident stories.

I have fond memories of the ages where my nephew couldn’t understand that there were parts of him above his eyes. I don’t think a day passed where that boy didn’t bounce his skull off of a table or a countertop or a doorknob.

I’m 22 and I still have an imprintation right inbetween my eye and eyebrow from running into a table as a toddler.

Caroline is obviously a fearless warrior, and doesn’t need that kind of coddling. Get this girl some hockey gear.

Good to see they’re cutting back on administering “Lots of TLC, Many Hugs” unless strictly necessary. That stuff can be addictive.

Poor Caroline. I like that the paper-cut bit is in pencil and so is the circle around “band-aid”. You can SEE the events take place.

LOL my name is Caroline and I too happened to be very accident prone when I was a kid – broke way too many bones for my own good. Sent this to my mom to give her a good laugh 😂

When it rains it pours poor child.

This was me in elementary. Big feels caroline.

A Redditor named u/OldBigsby shared this anecdote about their accident-prone sister.

My sister was very accident prone, so much so that a doctor called child services after putting a cast on her and noticing a lot of bruises. My parents were not abusive at all, she was just a klutz.

The funniest one I saw was when were riding bikes home from school and she ran into the back of a parked car, this was before the days of cellphones so it’s not like she was distracted by one, she just steered herself right into it, lol. She’s crying the rest of the way home and goes, “mom, mom, I got hit by a car”. I had to clear that one up right away.

But as u/LunetaParty observed – it’s not about the head bumps and grazed knees.

Hell hath no fury like a paper cut.

from Agreed GIFs via Gfycat


15 cringeworthy but genuine notes sent home from school

Source r/funny Image r/funny