
This brazen cheapskate boasted about stealing an image to avoid paying $3

An artist with the Reddit name u/CreativeCarrah shared this exchange on r/ChoosingBeggars, after someone boasted about being able to steal their colouring-in image to avoid paying $2.50 to $3 for unlimited use.

They seem pretty pleased with themself, but Reddit users weren’t happy at all.

“I respect the artist”

Proceeds to steal the work.

Who tf can’t pay $3 for an artist they respect?

Imagine saying to the artist’s face that you’re just going to steal their work, because $3 is too expensive.

Even if you want to do this shitty thing, do you really have to announce it and make yourself look like a complete asshole and an idiot.

Too much discussion with the CB where a simple ‘go fuck yourself’ would’ve sufficed.

Their printer somehow enhances the image 10x

Who are they? CSI?

They probably can’t afford the $3 because they spent so much on their printer with a “CSI zoom & enhance” feature.

A YouTube user named u/HabsRa had a suggestion.

Wow he has a magic printer. His time will be better spent printing money.

from Cash GIFs via Gfycat


This choosing beggar’s guitar haggling raised the self-own to a fine art

Source r/Choosing Beggars Image r/Choosing Beggars, stevepb on Pixabay