
Donald Trump doubled down on his ‘Isis X’ clanger and only made it worse

It’s been a while since Donald Trump was in the White House but some things never change. His (in)ability to get names right, for instance.

We only mention this after Trump was talking about the terrible situation in Afghanistan and repeatedly referred to a ‘new Isis’ which he called ‘Isis X’.

This was a new one on everyone else, although there is an Isis-K, which claimed responsibility for Thursday’s deadly attack in Kabul, standing for Islamic State Khorasan, a historic term for Afghanistan and the surrounding region.

The former US president claimed he “knocked out 100 percent of the Isis caliphate” but that a “new Isis” has formed: “Isis-X.”

Trump being Trump, rather than admitting the error he doubled down on it, and it just made things worse.

We’re not sure it’s progressing in alphabetical order, but sure.


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Source Twitter @Acyn H/T HuffPost