Weird World

This ‘choosing beggar’ had a very odd request over a free mattress

Meanwhile, over on ‘what the hell is the matter with people?’ Facebook, someone was trying to give away barely used cot mattresses, and this happened.

Like Shrek, onions and the laundry I’ve been meaning to get around to, this one has layers.

Let’s just deal with the elephant in the room – who would want a cot mattress that’s been sitting out in the street?

That being said – don’t ask strangers for pictures of their children’s backs so you know whether to drive to another neighbourhood to pick up the free pavement mattress.

via Gfycat

Reddit users had some thoughts on the matter.

Of course, there could be an explanation.

Law & Order: Free Mattress Inspection Unit. Hundred per cent would watch.


This professional cleaner is the refreshing opposite of a choosing beggar

Source r/ChoosingBeggars Image r/ChoosingBeggars