
Why are polka album covers so weird? 13 of the best (or worst)

There are some genres of vinyl albums that tend to have really odd covers – some veering towards nightmare fuel.

There are the Christian albums.


The children’s songs.


And, of course, heavy metal.


But there’s another even more niche genre that can give them all a run for their money, and it’s polka music albums.

These 13 examples show just what we mean.

1. Whoopee!

2. Ah, the old polka and mass combination

3. Why does he look like he’s about to go out on a shark hunt?

4. She’s on the pull

5. We’re thankful that Carl spared us his nudist-polka

6. That’s not polka

7. The terrifying intersection of parrot cosplay and polka

8. You don’t have to be nuts to like polka – but it helps

9. Nocturnal polkas, presumably

10. A man well-equipped to cope with a long lockdown

11. He needs to watch nothing gets trapped in his concertina

12. Welcome to the ‘write your own joke’ section of the post

13. Wild polka clowns – for when regular clowns simply aren’t awful enough

BONUS – Enough to put you off polka and hotdogs.


These ‘socially distanced’ classic album covers are very cleverly done and make their point perfectly

Source Sad and Useless Image Sad and Useless