
These movie newspaper headlines replaced by the Sunday Sport is simply brilliant

Nothing short of a work of wonder by the good people of Jellyface Productions, who have taken a load of memorable movie scenes featuring newspaper headlines and replaced them with the Sunday Sport.

You’re very unlikely to spend a more worthwhile two minutes today.

Eagle-eyed readers may already know it’s not the first time they’ve done this sort of thing. Turns out there are even more to enjoy …

Simply brilliant.

‘You, sir, should be knighted. Thank you for these marvellous videos.’ gunnersaurus17

‘Dude, it was worth it alone for the Harrison Ford scene!!!’ Rob Crabb

‘So glad my champion, the creme eggs up the bum guy made it to this cut 🤣🤣🤣’ viper9x

And you can follow Jellybean Productions over on YouTube here.


‘What’s the weirdest thing you saw on your commute?’ – 25 funniest answers

Source Jellybean Productions