Weird World

This Anti-masker needn’t worry about their oxygen levels now that they’ve been murdered by words

It can be difficult to understand why some people have such a strong objection to being asked to wear a little piece of cloth on their faces that they’re prepared to risk their community’s health to make a point.

The idea that there’s a global conspiracy behind mask-wearing, rather than a global pandemic, has a surprising amount of traction.

This now-deleted post shows the kind of thing anti-maskers seem to have bought into.

But one person had the perfect response, and we’d have loved to see the anti-masker’s face when they read it.

You honestly think they’re controlling you by telling you not to spit on other people.

Is it any wonder that the screenshots ended up on the r/MurderedByWords subreddit?

Here’s how Reddit users reacted to u/beerbellybegone‘s post.


It is like people who think the govt want to secretly inject them with tracking devices and vaccines are the cover by which they will inject you with it.

These same people spouting utter nonsense on Facebook, a social media platform that already has your name, details and tracks you, not to mention your phone all the time it has an internet connection.


When the vaccinations start I want to run an ad on Craigslist. $100 for chip removal. Hit them with a Tazer and tell them now that it’s dead this magnetically charged essential oil will draw it out of their body. Cha ching, there’s another 50 bucks.


I bet they all have bank accounts and rarely use cash either.

So stupid


I couldn’t believe how fucking stupid people like my parents were when they were shocked to learn that Google Maps knows where you’ve been when you’ve had location on and given it permission to use that info every time for years.

u/Broken_Noah posted this wistful response.

If only the government would control my life. Hopefully they can provide it some direction.

Good luck with that.

from Bojo GIFs via Gfycat


This anti-masker’s self-own is simply perfect

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords