
This video of a gorilla mother dealing with a jealous sibling is a very funny watch

This is just a lovely little video of a gorilla mother dealing with an eldest child who’s not happy with the attention the new baby is getting…

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Brilliant! And just a few of the things people were saying about it.

‘Omg when he’s wiping his face so dramatically, like “how could you do that to me? I didn’t do anything!” The similarities are amazing.’ njcatgirl29

‘“HOW CAN SHE SPIT???”’ YaketyMax

‘We civilized humans would never engage in this type of barbaric activity … smacks baby brother in the head.’ ThatGuy___YouKnow

‘Nothing makes your child go from “a sweet helpless baby” to “it’s about time you grow up and take care of yourself” than having a newer, younger child.’ nerbovig


‘This dog has perfect diction’
Source Reddit u/Ainsley-Sorsby Imgur