
What are the hot pandemic topics? 12 lockdown laughs

The UK’s world-beating Covid-tracing app turned out to be a dud, in a shocking development nobody could have predicted.

But dodgy apps aren’t the only things on people’s minds, and these funny posts are the proof.

1. Parents are wondering about schools

2. People are accepting their standards may have slipped

3. Cats are showing us the way forward

4. There’s a lot of self-reflection going on

5. We’re wondering where things went wrong

6. Some parts of the exit plan sound a lot more futuristic than they are

7. Lockdown was less locked down for some

8. If lockdown hair wasn’t bad enough, some of us even look bad in masks

9. It’s important to look for the silver linings

10. The search for companionship takes us in strange directions

11. A lot has happened in three months

12. So this is why the government underestimated the tracing system problems.


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Image @brett_jordan and @yapics on Unsplash