
Michael Spicer nailed the scenes in the Room Next Door to Trump’s coronavirus update

Wherever there’s an idiot engaged in public speaking, there’s a reasonable chance of Michael Spicer taking their mistakes and turning them into something much better, like a comedic Womble, with less fur.

Donald Trump’s much-mocked coronavirus speech was clearly fertile ground, because this must surely be one of Michael’s funniest Room Next Door sketches to date.

Haven’t we all got that thing we said that keeps us awake at night?

We are in awe at the simplicity of the insults in these clips, that somehow still manage to convey so much derision.

“I was just talking to you, you boiled egg!”

Here are some of the things people had to say about the sketch.

To illustrate how convincing Michael’s performances are –

Can you win a BAFTA for a sketch?


Michael Spicer hilariously imagines the scene in the room next door to Priti Patel

Source Michael Spicer Image Source Michael Spicer