
Elon Musk quoted The Princess Bride and Mandy Patinkin’s comeback was magnificent

To the world of Elon Musk – stick with us, please – where the Tesla chief executive has been talking about his $44bn train set, Twitter.

Specifically, Musk was justifying his habit of making controversial and sometimes just plain false comments on the social media platform, using a line famously spoken by swordsman Inigo Montoya in the 1987 classic The Princess Bride.

“You know, I’m reminded of .. There’s a scene in The Princess Bride — great movie — where he confronts the person who killed his father and he says, ‘Offer me money, offer me power, I don’t care.'”

And it caught the attention of the brilliant actor Mandy Patinkin, who of course played Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride, and his comeback was simply magnificent.

Bravo, sir! (And just in case you need a reminder, or you want to watch it again …)

And here’s just a flavour of the love people had for it.


Source Twitter @PatinkinMandy YouTube