
This calamitous attempt to hold a finish line just gets better and better

It’s all very well running a marathon or whatever, have you ever tried holding a finishing line? That’s really difficult, and if you don’t believe us, take a look at this.

It’s a video that’s just gone viral on Reddit and when we stay stick with it, we absolutely, 100% mean it.

to hold the finish line
by u/underscoreftw in therewasanattempt

Third time lucky! The patience of that runner is something else …

“In 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place…”

‘When you’re so good, you have time to mess around at the finish line before the second place comes through.’

‘Had time to cross the finish line 3 whole times, now that’s a lead.’

‘This filled me with rage.’

‘God that runner is such a good sport about it. Respect to him.’

Source Reddit u/underscoreftw