
The takedown of this ‘you’ll be lost to God’ anti-vaxxer is blisteringly good

Far from the first takedown of an anti-vaxxer that we’ve featured on these pages, but we’re not sure there are many that have been so brutal.

It’s just gone viral on Reddit after it was shared by beerbellybegone who said: ‘Antivaxxer gets eviscerated.’

Mega oof.

‘They won’t accept basic facts anyways. They’re lost causes.’

‘Have you ever tried to argue with a conservative? It’s nearly impossible. I had one on twitter the other day put out some bullshit stat that “90% of transwoman have autogynephila and only 10% have dysphoria”. I posted a link to a study that disproved this (literally showed the opposite) and his response was “studies are for f*gs”.

‘How can you even argue with someone like that? It’s pointless.

‘Reminds me of a joke I heard from a comedian once “I hate progressives because they always try and make me do shit and I hate conservatives because I can’t make them do shit”.

‘That’s some Defcon level shit there – they are currently emptying their medicine cabinet.’

To conclude …

‘The only reason not to vaccinate is due to truly ACTUAL medical reasons and indicated by REAL medical professionals, not two-bit quacks. Antivaxxers – nothing personal, but you’re wrong, give it a rest.

‘Everyone else, I’d like to remind everyone of Bill and Ted’s Law: Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!’

Source Reddit u/beerbellybegone