
It’s good to know Trump’s wall is as bigly effective as ever (this is still mightily impressive though)

As Donald Trump readies himself for another possible crack at the White House, perhaps one of his slogans should be about building a second wall, or building a first wall and doing it properly this time. Or maybe just take down the wall and think of something else.

Because whatever it was he built as president is just as effective as people always said it would be. Although it has to be said, these guys’ efforts at getting over are mightily impressive.

‘There was an attempt … to build a wall,’ said ilovekerma who shared it over on Reddit.

To build a wall.
by u/ilovekerma in therewasanattempt

Level completed.

‘Show me a 10ft wall, and I’ll show you an 11ft ladder …’

‘Hah Canada! You can’t keep us Americans out!’

‘I mean the wall is built, just not very effective.’

“Such a yuge beautiful wall, very scalable, everybody says so. They come to me with tears in their eyes, would you believe it?”

‘Everyone was mad that they built the wall but I knew they would get over it.’

Source Reddit u/ilovekerma