
This Countdown numbers round cock-up was funny but Colin Murray’s reaction was even better

There was a bit of a weird coincidence in this Countdown numbers round, and we have no idea why it happened – but watch for yourselves.

@laurensullivan19 “Are you two alright?” 🤣 #countdown #fail #funnyuktvmoments #britishtv #funny ♬ original sound – Lauren Sullivan

Was there a glare on the screen? Did Rachel stutter? Did one copy from the other? Whatever happened, Colin Murray’s comment put the cherry on the cake.

Colin Murray’s “are you two alright” immediately makes him the best host for years.

Were so close yet so far 😂

I have watched this five times and it just gets funnier 😂😂😂😂

If you want to know how my brain works when it comes to maths, this is a good representation.

In maths when we cheat and she asks how we worked it out😭

“Well…I’m only 300 off. Do I get a point?” 🤣😂🤣
Neal Adams752

I love when Rachel slows down because she has no idea where they are going with this.
Nathan Wilson4729

A lot of people flooded the comments with calculations to prove that it can be done, so here’s just one way – from TikTok user Floki.

8 / 4 = 2
25 * 9 * 2 = 450
4 + 1 = 5
450 – 5 = 445

Since we’re already talking about Countdown numbers, here’s possibly the funniest ‘Cats Does Countdown’ numbers round, featuring Catherine Tate.

@pokemoncatches Hope she was putting that on 😂 #fyp #catherinetate #countdown #numbers #8outof10catsdoescountdown #ohdear ♬ original sound – Pokémon Catches


Just a very funny supercut of naughty words that have come up on Countdown

Source Lauren Sullivan Image Screengrab