
This outrageous 1-star food delivery complaint got just the response it deserved

Award for outrageously entitled person of the day goes to the person who left this 1-star review after their food delivery was delayed by ‘heavy rain’.

It’s just gone viral after it was shared by Redditor xx.

And here are our favourite things people said about it.

‘Love the owner’s response. A+’

‘I love how fast he responded to it.’

‘I remember once the restaurant I was working at a customer called back to say the driver refused to go up to her 37 floor.I called the driver and he said the whole building had no power.

‘She expected the driver to walk up 37 flights of stairs with the food.I told the driver to come back and she swore she leave bad review saying we were racist and rude.’

‘I bet she didn’t tip 37 floors worth of money either.’

‘Bold to assume she’d tip anything.’

‘She ordered food during a tornado warning? Seriously?

‘My brother lives in a state that gets hurricanes every year and torrential rain all summer long. He and his wife have a stockpile of nonperishable food because it’s common sense.’


‘I like Peter. Good man.’

Source Reddit u/K1nsey6 Image Unsplash Joshua Lawrence