
There was a serious irony about the teacher feedback on this first-grade writing

When’s the worst time to make a spelling or grammar mistake? When you’re correcting someone else’s spelling or grammar mistakes.

How could you add an extra dose of embarrassing irony? By being an actual teacher, correcting a child’s work.

‘My son’s first grade teacher sent this home today.’

When Reddit users spotted the post on r/mildlyinfuriating, they couldn’t resist having a bit of fun with it.

After trying to read that I think I’d right the same 😐

Since what?

What a sinceable teacher.

The teacher put in her two since worth on this assignment.

Correct it with another colour and send it back.

Cents* god first grade teacher can’t even spell smh…

Write “See me after class please.”

Someone named u/zevooro shared a tip that the ‘sinceable’ teacher could do with learning.

Pro tip from an elementary school teacher: when you have trouble reading your kids’/students’ writing, ask them to read it out loud to you.

Often, they know what they wanted to write but they mixed up some words or forgot some words. It’s a common mistake. 🤷‍♂️ This feedback is unhelpful and lazy imo. How can the student learn from this?

Makes since.


This super specific school timetable is making people’s brain hurt

Source r/mildlyinfuriating Image r/mildlyinfuriating