
Comeback of the day

Latest in an occasional (well, not that occasional) series, comeback of the week goes to this exchange underneath a story about efforts to save the northern white rhino from extinction.

‘Even the rhino’s skin isn’t thick enough for this insult?’ said ShortPromotion who shared it over on Reddit.


And just a few of the things people said about it.

‘Yes those scientists study rhino’s and also 5G, those exact same scientists.’

‘One day you’re harvesting rhino eggs, next day you’re working on 5G towers, next week you might take a crack at curing cancer, why not? That’s science, baby.’

‘I’m surprised they spelled 5g correctly.’

‘For a while, I didn’t realise that the image wasn’t of a dinosaur putting a rhino back into its pen.’

‘Gotta admit, I just woke up on day 5 of the work week and for more seconds than I want to admit, I was like “but he’s right, wtf, rhinos aren’t birds??”

‘Anyways, coffee is almost done and I’ve nearly figured out how to get my pants off my head.’


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Source Reddit u/ShortPromotion