
Crush from Finding Nemo asked this Disney visitor what they like to eat and the payoff was 10/10

It’s early we know but we reckon we won’t spend a more enjoyable 59 seconds today than this, an exchange between Crush the turtle (you remember, from Finding Nemo) and a Disney visitor which took an unexpected – and very funny – turn.

‘The reaction Crush had when Gerard told him what he eats,’ said Josmer_Suero over on Reddit.


“Thats not what I said dude” 🤣🤣🤣

‘He tried to be slick.’

‘That actor was so cool with his act though. Thanks to gerard for this funny moment.’

‘Dang, really impressed how they can make him move and talk real time. We live in the future.’

‘They cut the part at the end where Crush recommends the 12-step “Fish Are Friends, Not Food” program to Gerard.’

And just in case, like this person, you were wondering …

‘How do they do this???’

‘According to Wikipedia …

‘The show is a blend of computer graphic techniques, image projection, and interactive improvisation.

The “Window to the Pacific” is a large rear-projection screen portraying an animated undersea environment. The animated image of Crush is a computer graphic avatar controlled by a puppet, operated by a backstage actor/puppeteer whose performance is digitized in real time.

‘Crush’s movements and voice-activated lip synch are rendered on the fly and are projected at 60 frames per second, so that the turtle’s mouth moves in synchronization with the actor’s words.

‘Digital puppetry techniques allow the puppeteer’s movements to control the body motions of the projected turtle image. The technology enables each show to be different as Crush responds uniquely to each individual audience.

‘The actor has a camera to see the audience to have a better interaction.’


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Source Reddit u/Josmer_Suero