
Simply the best comeback for anyone who says Dan Stevens should apologise for his One Show Boris Johnson takedown

Actor Dan Stevens is the nation’s hero today for his epic takedown of Boris Johnson on BBC1’s The One Show.

We love every second of it (not least the look on presenter Alex Jones’ face at the end of it).

Here’s just a flavour of the love people were feeling for the Downton Abbey star today.

Not everyone saw the hilarious side, as highlighted by author and TV presenter (of The One Show occasionally) Richard Osman.

And if anyone was expecting anyone to apologise for it, this is surely the only response you need, from TV critic Ian Hyland.


And you can find lots more Ian Hyland over at @HylandIan here.


Dan Stevens’ epic Boris Johnson takedown took us back to his wonderful Susanna Reid moment from back in the day

Source Twitter @HylandIan