
Jack Monroe’s frank rebuttal of an ignorant take on food poverty was the best possible response

In an article that shouldn’t exist in 2022, the BBC shared the story of NHS nurse Rebeccah, who has to miss meals to feed her three children with the £80 she has left for food and other costs after she pays the bills.

Her struggles moved people.

Actually, Rebeccah’s plight moved most people. Self-described ‘opinionated’ ‘political enthusiast’ Kevin Edger had a familiar and very unhelpful take.

His unhelpful opinion saw a few like-minded fellow Tories nodding along, but far more reactions labelled it nonsense.

Bestselling cookery book author, anti-poverty campaigner and foremost expert on extreme thrift from experience, Jack Monroe replied with a surgical dissection of the many problems with Edger’s glib remark.

Edger spent hours defending his position, insisting that he used pasta only as an example – which wasn’t the slam dunk he clearly thought. He even tried a comeback to Jack.

People were very glad to see the patronising poverty theory given such a comprehensive rebuttal.

Duncan Jones had this good advice.

We have to let Jack have the final word, in case anyone else is planning one of those ‘Porridge/pasta/a bag of potatoes costs a quid‘ hot takes – and they are. They definitely are.


Jack Monroe’s thread about the true cost of inflation ‘as it happens to people with the least’ is an important read

Source Jack Monroe Image Public Domain Pictures on Pixabay