
This boss’s fury at a question about paydays got entirely the responses it deserved

There are good bosses and there are bad bosses and then there are very bad bosses, a lot of whom turn up in the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’.

And they probably don’t come much worse than this, an employer who appeared furious – properly furious – at a simple request about paydays.

‘A text conversation I had the day I was supposed to go sign new hire paperwork,’ said doggolover482 who shared it over on Reddit.

And this is how it panned out.

And they got entirely the responses they deserved.

‘These mofos are just so unprofessional. People don’t work for fun, we’re working for money!!! We have bills and shit. Payday is a relevant question. WTF?’

‘Massive red flag. You dodged a bullet.’

‘I wouldn’t have responded after his third text.

‘Move on, write a review for this company somewhere, and consider it a blessing that this red flag is shown so braetnly.’

‘Copy/Paste images of this text exchange to a review of his company on Yelp.’


This volleyball playing dog is proper next level stuff

Source Reddit u/doggolover482