
Job candidates were told to ‘send a thank you note’ after interviews and this comeback says it best

Over on Twitter author and publisher Tim Sullivan had a ‘pro tip’ for anyone who’s about to do a job interview.

And it’s fair to say it didn’t go down entirely well with everyone.

But this response, which went viral on Reddit after it was shared by beerbellybegone surely says it best.

And here are just a few of the things fellow Redditors said about it.

‘Funnily enough when I’m hiring I only pay attention to the interview. Couldn’t give a flying f*ck whether they thanked me for it.

‘I’ve probably already decided who I want to hire and a thank you email isn’t going to make a blind bit of difference.

‘Unless I’m hiring someone to write thank you emails it doesn’t suddenly improve how competent they appear. Sorry this stuff drives me insane.’

‘Some overachieving brown noser was the first person to send thank you notes to interviewers and then everybody else had to do it so not to be outdone and the rest of us suffer for it just like fucking cover letters’

‘True. But addressing me as your jobship would certainly draw attention.’


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Source Reddit u/beerbellybegone Source Twitter @Tim_Org