Weird World

Guy tries to do right thing when wife’s goldfish dies, does exactly the opposite

There’s no end of stories of people trying to do the right thing but ending up doing the wrong thing on the corner of Reddit called TIFU, or ‘Today I F*cked Up.’

But not all of them are quite so epic of this, a tale of a guy whose wife’s goldfish died and, well, it really does escalate from there.

Readers of a sensitive disposition, please look away now.

And here are just a few of the many (and not always entirely helpful) comments it prompted.

‘On the plus side, a piece of your beloved goldfish will live on with you forever. Or until the smell helps you to find it.’

‘This is both sad and hilarious at the same time. Rest In Pieces, fish.’

‘Task failed successfully?’

‘Welp, it died a warrior’s death.’

‘Pick out a “Bob the Goldfish” memorial plant at the nursery.

‘Dig a hole in the backyard.

‘Place Bob in hole.

‘Immediately pulverize him with a blunt garden implement.

‘Plant the plant in the newly fertilized hole.

‘Bob will now live forever.’

‘Hey, at least you know it was fast. From the fish’s viewpoint it was, “Hey, I’m in a bag BLANK…..”. It was you who suffered the “Aw, crap!” moment.’

‘I think this was an “Aw, carp” moment.’


This double takedown of a bigoted gamer who doesn’t like Black History Month scored maximum points

Source Reddit u/fishyfishoh Image Pixabay