
Someone had the perfect takedown of this anti-vaxxer’s attempted gotcha

A Redditor named u/BeerBellyBegone has shared this screenshot to the r/MurderedByWords forum, and we have to agree that it has all the hallmarks of being lethal.

They added –

I’d take a vaccine for strep throat if they had one. For a cold. Who likes being sick if you have the option of not being sick?!

That’s an excellent point.

Here’s what other Reddit users had to say about it.

Being sick is a small price to pay for people who want to own the libs.

I had a friend who got food poisoning while eating out and he survived. Guess we don’t need those food health and safety laws.

My dad had an employee who had to call out of work for like a month because he got shingles on his balls.

Ball shingles, poor guy.

Get your goddamned vaccines.

All those other people that got those diseases and died? Eh, I just ignore that. They’re not me after all.

How do you go through a bout of shingles and think, “Yeah, that’s easier to deal with than a vaccine”?

u/MrZyde reminded people of the bottom line.

And just knowing that you are helping other people not get sick with a virus is always great.

Enough said.


This artist had the perfect response to an anti-vaxxer’s dumb commission

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords, ronstick on Pixabay