
Boris Johnson’s catastrophic CBI speech explained in 4 minutes of brutal detail

The BBC’s Ros Atkins is a past master at explaining major new stories in a comprehensive and accessible way.

Previous summaries include the Four Seasons Total Landscaping fiasco, Brexit and the fishing industry, and the Owen Paterson parliamentary standards u-turn.

His newest explainer sums up the disastrous speech the PM gave to business leaders at the Confederation of British Industry conference in South Shields, which saw Peppa Pig World trend on Twitter for hours, and spawned tweets like these –

Here’s the whole thing explained in just over four minutes.

Thoughts and prayers to the satirists.

Here’s what people had to say about the devastating assessment.


This BBC report about Donald Trump’s ‘Four Seasons Total Landscaping’ fiasco went viral because it’s so enjoyable

Source Ros Atkins Image Screengrab