
Larry and Paul’s corrupt minister is the most hilariously brutal take on Tory sleaze

Most of you will be familiar with the work of Larry Budd and Paul Dunphy – Larry and Paul – through their real daily briefings, in which they present the week in government via some of the most brutal satire currently available.

This sketch about government corruption might be their most brutal satire yet.

via Gfycat

Don’t think I’ve both giggled and nodded so much at a sketch in ages. Brilliantly, painfully accurate.

I reckon you should rock up at the House of Commons in that get-up. They’d let you in no questions, probably shove a fat contract for Covid testing into your pocket, and give you a life peerage too.
Brams Rockhopper

Fantastic twist on the classic “Hans, are we the baddies?” Some excellent lines and super dry delivery.
Graham Lock

They also shared it on Twitter, where people had these comments to add to those of YouTube users.

We’re just waiting for this to happen.


Larry and Paul’s ‘government’ advert for sovereignty is as funny as it is bleak

Source Larry and Paul Image Screengrab