
‘This is the most British video I’ve watched for a long time’

Here’s a minute and a bit very well spent, a video which just went viral on Reddit after it was shared by _-undercoverlover-_ who said: ‘Most British video I’ve watched in a long time ☕️’

It’s from Caenhill Countryside Centre – @caenhillcc – over on TikTok, a Wiltshire charity which looks after rescue animals for young people and you can find more about them here.

Here are just a few of the many comments it prompted on Reddit.

‘This is brilliant, I love the chaos! I gave them a follow on twitter ‘Caenhillcc’. They are a rescue centre, can’t get any more wholesome than that!’

‘Their ‘Morning Rush Hour’ videos are a great watch!’

‘Trigger looks like he’s had enough of their shit.’

‘Nothing more British than a runaway Emu.’

‘Poor guy, he’ll be dealing with this until the cows come home.’

To conclude …

‘This was wild start to finish.’

And this.

‘That’s brilliant. It just needs Fenton to come whizzing through chased by a distraught townie and it would be worthy of a BAFTA.’

Follow @caenhillcc on TikTok here and on Twitter here!

Source TikTok @caenhillcc H/T Reddit u/_-undercoverlover-_