
9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks of the week

It’s been another long week – just like every other week in 2021 – so what better way to help take the edge off than by enjoying 9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks that went viral over the last seven days.

1. ‘Virtue signalling 101’


2. ‘Gotta teach people a thing or two’


3. ‘Reddit itself doing its part’


4. ‘Some things change but your ignorance stays the same.’


5. ‘I literally cannot afford a one bedroom apartment’


6. ‘Millennials in Congress’


7. ‘Would you like some whine with that?’


8. ‘What is he even saying?’


9. ‘I hate this motivational poster so much’



18 people who tried very hard to be smart but ended up looking hilariously stupid instead

Source Reddit r/murderedbywords