
Andrew Lloyd Webber in Jail is Larry and Paul’s magnum opus for Freedom Day

Composer and theatre impresario, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, has made his feelings very clear on the delay in lifting coronavirus regulations, which should have happened today – at the time of writing.

Speaking to the Telegraph, he said –

“We are going to open, come hell or high water … We will say: ‘come to the theatre and arrest us.’

Inevitably, there were jokes.

Comedians Larry and Paul – Larry Budd and Paul Dunphy – used their impressive comedy skills to show us what it might be like if the police called His Lordship’s bluff.

It’s absolutely brilliant, and you don’t have to take our word for it – seeing is believing.

Did you spot all the hidden Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and song references? Here are a couple to get you started?

This is how tweeters reacted to the sketch.

Just at the point of no return, Lloyd Webber made this statement.

It looks like he won’t be going to jail after all, so take that look off your face.


Larry and Paul’s ‘government’ advert for sovereignty is as funny as it is bleak

Source Larry and Paul Image Screengrab