Weird World

Simply 23 glorious takedowns of hilariously confused Americans

It would be wrong to stereotype an entire nation based on what a handful of their number once posted on social media. Goes without saying, obviously.

Having said that, let’s enjoy these 23 times Americans didn’t quite get their facts straight and were very satisfyingly put right.

1. ‘Who was the first country on planet earth to ban slavery? That’s right, America’


2. ‘More people know about our smallest state Vermont then the Amsterdam’


3. ‘You’re on the internet, which is American’


4. ‘The only pride I need is my pride of the BIBLE and the RED WHITE AN BLUE STRIPES’


5. ‘America is the reason you have cars’


6. ‘You have TVs in England right’


7. ‘He is (your president)’


8. ‘People engaging me in German because I look German’


9. ‘People who leave their phones set to military time are fuckin war criminals’


10. ‘Hmmmmmmm’


11. ‘Europe and South America are countries’


12. ‘Do You Guys Have Refrigerators?’
