
Here are 9 of the best optical illusions to mess with your mind

Who doesn’t love a good optical illusion? They’re the quickest and safest way to mess with your minds, and all from the comfort of your own home.

Below we’ve rounded up some of the best illusions we’ve encountered over on Twitter. Enjoy.

1. Other than the one at the end, all of the figures remain still in this image and are simply changing colour:

2. Beleive it or not, all of the horizontal lines are straight and completely parallel in this image:

3. This one may take a while, but once you spot the circles in the image it’s difficult to unsee them:

4. Start by looking at the dancer in the middle:

5. Another classic example of how changing colours make static shapes appear to be moving:

6. This illusion plays with our perception of colour:

7. A headache-inducing image that constantly seems to be changing before your very eyes:

8. The circles in this graphic remain in the same position and at the same size throughout:

9. And finally, this award-winning illusion will leave you mistified:


This cat has gone viral because of the real-life optical illusion on its chest