
Someone gave an anti-vaxxer a History lesson – and it’s a thing of beauty

If there’s one thing that reading posts from anti-vaxxers has taught us, it’s that they simply don’t do the research.

When one of them took to the internet with what they thought was a slam dunk, a little bit of history knowledge was enough to smash their argument to pieces.

This was what the anti-vaxxer posted.

And this was the takedown.

In case you were wondering how Ben Franklin‘s quote came from after his death, it was taken from a biography written in 1793.

Someone posted this explanation of why the anti-vaxxer’s position wouldn’t work.

“I hate the “take your vaccine and leave us alone” thing. It doesn’t work that way. For a vaccine to be efficient, it needs to be inoculated to a high percentage of the population because it’s not 100% efficient on everybody. Some people don’t become immune. So if you want to protect those people, everyone needs to get vaccinated so as not to transmit the disease to them.

It’s basic solidarity.”


The Germans have a word for the phenomenon of making pronouncements with no evidence.

“In germany we habe a word “Halbwissen” (half-knowledge)t o describe stuff you just picked up somewhere but cant back up. The sharing of halbwissen is dangerous because it happens casually in conversations and often times is just accepted.

Thus these myths about THE CREATOR and stuff like that spread and people just recite absolutly ridiculous stuff in the end.

Im absolutely dumbfounded that in the age of the internet people are still too lazy to take the 30seconds and look this shit up for themselfes before writing a post full of halbwissen and spread wrong information around.”


Someone named u/DingGratz added Do you wear glasses? Do you need shoes? What about a smart phone? Idiots.

from Mic Drop GIFs via Gfycat


This doctor’s tale of ‘curing’ an anti-vaxxer’s ignorance is simply glorious

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords, Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash