
Bad day? Could be worse, you could have just installed this underfloor heating

To be filed under ‘having a bad day? Could be worse …’ comes this video of a home which just installed underfloor heating.

Except it didn’t work out quite like they were hoping.

New heated floor pops tile from it from r/Wellthatsucks

Oh no.

‘I like how they are just sitting casually and not panicking about how the living room floor is having a mental breakdown.’ iatethis_

‘The floor is lava.’ Pudi2000

‘We had some new large tiles put in our old house and when they were installed they used very narrow grout lines and the tiles butted against the wall/fireplace rather than having a gap covered by trim. Without a heated floor, just due to normal temperature fluctuations, one day a line of tiles exploded violently with a deafening gunshot sound.’ TheJollyHermit

‘I was about to comment similar, that I don’t think this is from the heated part specifically, more that they didn’t leave expansion room for normal temperature fluctuations (not to mention the more extreme change from the heated part).’ Psych0matt

‘Popfloorn.’ nectar_


If you’re having a bad day it could be worse, you could be this Swedish guy missing a train

H/T Reddit u/BrightenthatIdea Source gfycat