
This Seattle bookstore wins ‘Most 2020 Sign of the Day’

Sometimes, mere words can’t convey everything that’s necessary, and that’s when a picture might be better …or a gesture.

This ‘closed’ sign on Ada’s Technical Books in Seattle, where there’s not just Covid-19 and political unrest, but also wildfires, says everything we need to know without saying – well, anything really.

Well done, Ada’s staff.

s_huckabee_goebbels translated the sign from “book store”.

‘That’s the book store equivalent of “I literally can’t even rn”.’

A few Reddit users told us about other signs that are very apt for 2020.

I saw a sign in a bookstore that said “Due to recent developments, Apocalyptic Sci Fi has been moved to Current Events.”

Our movie theatre had, “We’ll be back when real life stops reassembling a movie” on the marquee.

Finally, this sign recalled by Same_Worth07 feels particularly relatable right now.

My local bookstore has a paper in the window with the new hours.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are “usually open” days.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are “probably not unless I feel like it” days.

Sunday is “there’s a chance”.


Face mask sign of the day

Source r/Funny Image r/Funny, Screengrab