
This letter from ‘Barry T. Tooth Fairy’ went viral all over again because it’s so well done

This letter from ‘Barry T. Tooth Fairy’ went viral on Reddit because so beautifully done. It’s not the first time we’ve seen it but it made us smile all over again.

‘Professionals have standards,’ said rosebal who shared it on Reddit.

And just in case that’s tricky to read …

Dear Mr Warren

This letter is to inform you that I have now taken receipt of your tooth and it is being dull processed in our system.

You will have noticed there has been a delay in your payment for the tooth. Mr Warren, I have to inform you that this is due to the condition in which we found said tooth. We expect a certain amount of wear and tear on the teeth we appraise. However, in this case your tooth had to be referred up to the committee for further analysis.

We believe this is due to the lack of care and attention by yourself. We have detached more than trace amounts of Fanta™ and residual amounts of both cereal and chocolate which have not been removed by appropriate brushing technique. We recommend you review your practice here as a matter of urgency.

Mr Warren, we will accept the tooth on this occasion but we need your assurances that the condition of your next tooth will be significantly better or we will withhold payment.

Sincerely yours

Barry T. Tooth Fairy

Beautifully done. And just a tiny bit unsettling.

‘Start ‘em with the final notices early and they won’t freak out when they’re young adults. Absolutely beautiful.’ Clever_display_name

Another Redditor called TomataTomato suggested this reply.

“Dear Mr. Tooth Fairy,

You are well aware that the Contract contains no clause on the requirements for my tooth to be in certain conditions.
Please be informed that in case of your refusal to proceed with your contractual obligations on processing my tooth I will have no choice but to ask my dad to initiate legal action against you.


Mr. Warren”

Works for us.


This dentist wears a photo so people know what he really looks like

Source Reddit u/rosebal