
The only 5 brutal responses you need to Nigel Farage complaining about refugees visiting Anfield

Remember when Nigel Farage campaigned on the back of not being a career politician despite having been a politician for actual decades?

Well, it’s fair to say he has a different job now, and that’s making Partridgesque videos about refugees – or “illegal migrants”, as the seven-time general election loser calls them.

Just hours after being ridiculed for his footage of an “invasion” on the Kent coast, he shared this clip of himself complaining about *checks notes* a charity day out to Anfield Stadium for refugees.

The takedowns were about as savage as we’ve seen, and these five show the strength of feeling.






One person added insult to injury.

From most of the responses, it’s clear that refugees are afforded a warm welcome to Liverpool – unlike racists.


Nigel Farage posted a video of ‘migrants’ landing in Kent – only 5 responses you need

Source Nigel Farage Image Nigel Farage