
This Q&A neatly sums up the differing driving experiences in the UK and US

This question – and answer – neatly sums up the differing driving experiences on either side of the Atlantic.

Even better, it prompted other nations to share their descriptions of what would happen next.

In Australia you’re obligated to inhale a can of chrome spray-paint and subsequently go out in a spectacular blaze of glory whilst howling the phrase “Witness me!”.’ Alopexy

‘In France you’d hurl insults at the driver, accelerate so that you’re in front of the car, flip the bird, accelerate some more, and proceed to complain about that guy for the rest of the day to everyone who’s willing to hear it.’ graou13

‘In Russia you’d probably jump off your bike onto the roof of the merging car, swing in through the passenger window, bash the driver, throw them out of their own moving vehicle, and speed away as your abandoned motorcycle explodes in the rear view mirror.’ Kie723

Source Reddit u/Caniscien Image Pixabay