
This comeback is almost as devastating as that asteroid

Comeback of the week goes to the person who kindly took the time to answer this query about cavemen and the dinosaurs going extinct.

“Dear atheists,’ it begins …

We’re presuming it’s a Creationist who asked it but who knows, it could have been a fellow atheist struggling with their non-belief.

Here are just a few of the things people said about it after it went viral on Reddit.

‘Does this guy really think The Flinstones was an accurate depiction of prehistoric times.’ At0mHeartMother

‘Even if we did survive what the fuck does that do to prove that some conscious entity controls the universe. Not dying isn’t proof of anything except that you didn’t die.’ Sprayface

‘They were in a cave, Man.’ northwestwill


The takedown of this person who defended the Bible in its entirety was sheer perfection

Source Reddit u/MicroFlamer Image Pixabay