
This prediction of the future from 1947 is eerily accurate

Back in 1947, science fiction writer René Barjavel predicted how the future might look, and the short film version of his predictions feels oddly familiar.

You don’t need to understand French to see that it’s all based around handheld devices delivering news, sports and entertainment in a way that would be so engrossing that people would ignore each other and take needless risks.

Bang on the money, Monsieur Barjavel.

The clip found its way onto Twitter, where people probably looked at it on their handheld devices, while ignoring each other and taking needless risks.

People were stunned by how accurate it was.

It could have been a lucky guess, Barjavel could have been a predictive genius, or there may be another explanation.


This prediction from 20 years ago about what computers would be like in the future is so accurate it’s spooky

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