
The way this 7-year-old comedy sketch flips a racist trope is as relevant as ever – and very funny

A 7-year-old comedy sketch has resurfaced, because it calls out a specific type of everyday racism that’s still seen – well, every day. It’s also very funny.

Written by actor, comedian and Japanese language specialist, David Ury – who has also worked as Ken Tanaka – and featuring Stella Choe and Scott Beehner, the sketch shows something that people of colour have to put up with all the time, and the sight of Stella turning the tables is as wonderful to watch now as it was in 2013.

Oh, and that blink-and-you-miss-him jogger at the start is David Ury in a sneaky cameo.

We’re not sure how, but the sketch has resurfaced via Twitter, where it’s really gelled with the current conversation around racial equality.

Nicola James shared the clip with just one addition – #BlackLivesMatter.


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