
Someone “made a Rube Goldberg machine” – the result is chaotic good

Cartoonist Rube Goldberg died in 1970, but his enduring legacy is based on the elaborate contraptions he drew that would carry out everyday functions – if they worked.


You get the idea. Any contraption made from separate components in that way is now called a Rube Goldberg machine, and some people excel at them. The ultra-inventive Joseph Herscher, for example, the man behind Joseph’s Machines.

When we see the finished version, it looks incredibly slick, but the trial and error involved in the set-up doesn’t bear thinking about, and this hilarious video by Colin Burgess shows what happens if you skip that step.

There’s a lot of swearing.

The sketch has gone down deservedly well, with almost four million views in 14 hours, at the time of writing.

This is what people thought of it.

Inevitably, it came to the attention of Joseph Herscher.


The amazingly inventive ‘How I Go Straight From Dinner To Cake’ is a brilliant 2-minute escape from everything

Source Colin Burgess Image
Colin Burgess