
This woman pranked her parents by gradually replacing their photos with crayon drawings

It’s all very well spending your lockdown time learning a musical instrument or mastering another language, that kind of thing.

But really, what could be a better use of your time than doing something like this – a woman called Kristen Vogler who pranked her parents by gradually swapping their beloved family photos with a comedy crayon drawing.

And did they notice? Of course they didn’t!

Here’s how the wall looked at the start.

And here’s how it changed, one picture at a time (each day is like a spot the difference competition. We think day 9 is our favourite).

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6


Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Here’s what Kristen said about it on Facebook.

In case anyone needs a laugh or Some Good News, I’ve been working on a project for the last 12 days, without telling my parents, waiting for them to notice.
I started poorly recreating the framed photos on our wall with top notch art supplies, aka – a box of crayons. Every day I replaced a new photo with a new, and terrible, crayon drawing.
Sneaking these masterpieces up was not easy, I had to hide in the bathroom clutching the frames multiple times.
It took Paula Sassone Vogler and Mike Vogler 11 days to notice that anything had changed. I find that concerning 😂

I had a lot of fun messing with my parents during the downtime between Kristen Vogler Design projects. I hope you enjoy it, and if you know someone needing a mediocre crayon drawing, you know where to find me.
*these crayon works are not supposed to be good by any means, that was part of the fun, so feel free to make fun of them.
UPDATE: There’s a new bet. My Dad bet my Mom that if the video of them discovering this prank gets to 1 million views by the end of the week, he doesn’t have to eat broccoli for the rest of the year. Help a Dad out.

And here’s the big reveal!


This chap commentating on his two dogs dicking around on a walk is the content we needed today

Source Facebook H/T Bored Panda Image/video credits Kristen Vogler