
The takedown of this racist Bible botherer really wasn’t messing around

A leading contender for takedown of the week is this response to a racist Bible botherer who turned to their favourite book to ‘justify’ their prejudice.

It went viral on Reddit because the response really didn’t mess around. Very satisfying it was too.

No wonder it proved popular on the subReddit called ‘murdered by words’.

‘I like how “It is written in the Bible” apparently overrides all other qualities of something.
This person could read “discriminate against others based on the colour of their skin” in the Bible and still not think it’s racist because “it is written in the bible”.’ Feroshnikop

‘I like how short it is.’ MrBones1102


The takedown of this person who defended the Bible in its entirety was sheer perfection

Source Reddit u/anoobsearcher