
Watch a doctor react to an anti-vaxxer’s ingenious alternative to vaccines

Dr Mike or Mikhail Varshavski, is a genuine doctor who also has a very funny and informative YouTube channel.

He busts the myths surrounding medical matters and gives the facts on things in the public consciousness, such as the coronavirus, or vaccines.

In this clip shared to Reddit, he reacts with incredulity to an anti-vaxxers idea for an alternative to vaccines.

Doctor reacting to an anti-vaxx post from r/WatchPeopleDieInside

We know they said they’re not anti-vax, but when that statement’s followed up with “but …”, you can bet your boots they actually are.

Here are some of the best reactions from Redditors.

Sometimes Antivaxxers antivaxx so hard, they go back to inventing vaccines.


It would be great if they’d do the same thing with some homeless guy on the street. The guy would be like, “Yeah, that’s what a fucking vaccine is. Now can you spare some change? “.

It’s mind blowing that some people are that dumb.


What is the antivaxx endgame? No one is vaccinated?

Do they realise we’d all be dead, them included, if no one was vaccinated? How fucking selfish and downright stupid do you have to be to think that’s ok??


AntiAllesFraktion added this damning assessment of the original poster’s credentials.

You are the worst antivaxxer to ever antivaxx.


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