
The look on this girl’s face when her brother fart-bombs her video is priceless

At the risk of bringing down an avalanche of “OK, boomer!” comments, we admit to being a little baffled by some vlogging trends, such as recording yourself playing a game, or emptying out your shopping for the viewers to enjoy.

When one young girl was recording herself talking about make-up, there was an unwelcome addition to the soundtrack when her sleeping five-year-old brother let rip with an enormous fart.

5yr old son fart bombed my daughters video in his sleep. (Reposted to shorten clip) from r/funny

We’re very grateful to her parent, huh_thats_awkward for sharing it, as were these commenters.


Dude. Holy shit. Can we nominate you for the yearly Reddit awards ceremony? I think you’ve got a good chance to win


Holy shit OP, I’ve never seen a more perfect opportunity for a lifelong family nickname.


Good thing they dont have a Clapper installed. Itd be a light show

SchrodingersNutsack had a premonition:

This video will be Exhibit A in a few years when she starts pleading her case for why she thinks she should have her own room.

Not a court in the land would find against her.


A congressman farted on live TV and became the butt of everyone’s jokes – these 11 are a gas

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