
The SpongeBob SquarePants version of 1917 works far better than it should

Over on YouTube, someone called Carnage-Boy has put in the hours to produce a SpongeBob SquarePants version of the 1917 trailer.

The Sam Mendes one-shot blockbuster may have all the awards, but does it have Eugene Krabs in the Colin Firth role? No it does not – it has Colin Firth.

Anyway …feast your eyes.

Who knew all that dark footage was available in SpongeBob SquarePants?


When Carnage-Boy posted the clip to Reddit, it picked up a lot of much deserved love.


This is incredible. Thank you.


My God, this was so well done. You’ve got a real talent there, my man.


Honestly this is one of the best things you could have spent your time on. In your lifetime.

Just so you can appreciate how good this is, here’s the original.

Source YouTube Image Carnage-Boy, Universal Pictures